Spain : beaches, paella, sun, flamenco… etc etc etc
When we decided to head to Spain, we went to Asturias region in northern Spain. Neighbor to basque country, Cantabria or Galicia, this region is exactly at the opposite of typical Spanish clichés. So we almost succeeded in what we were looking for. Being off beaten path! Yeahhhhhhhh

Asturias is a wet area in a mountainous region. It is generally fresh and pretty wild. The main city is Oviedo but Gijon is also famous as it is on the coast. Over there, cider and goat cheese are the specialities, a way of life that one cannot miss. Asturias is also on the road to Santiago de Compostela and pilgrimers usually cross this region walking and for sure get a foretaste of something unique in the world …

A wild coastline ...

Nothing better than a paradise for trying Wwoofing
We stayed a month in this region and lived in an organic farm for Wwoofing. Living in a small traditional house 20 min away from the main farm, we discovered what is Horreo. This traditional granary is protected in Spain since 1973 and the first ones have been observed in the XIIIth century. For us, it will stay the perfect place for a coffee with mountain view. Sama de Grado, trasmurias, few names which will remind us this beautiful period full of sweet memories.

But Asturias, it is also and especially beautiful mountains going up to 2650m. Everywhere is an opportunity to get high and take a breath lost in the mountains… Paradise for trekkers (a bit like Reunion Island) The coast, mix of cliff and beautiful beaches is pure happiness for nature lovers. But what about traditions ? Asturias is still alive of traitions. Cider is a daily drink homemade in most of cases. Family usually have hundreds of apple trees which they use for their own cider. As soon as you go out of cities, sheeps and all over… and cheese is every plates.
As we cannot hide our pleasure of being in this very special place for us, we would like to invite you now along this path and let you be surprised by a unique place in the world.
Buen provechio amigos !
... and mountains perfectly perserved...

We are Ela & David, 2 citizens of the world. In quest of a new way of living, more respectful from the environment and the Humans, we travel slowly to discover new cultures, to look for inspirations and with a wish of sharing. Want to know more?

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