
[Asia] Our TOP 3 in Asia – Part 1

Move Our World - Asia

Asia – our TOP 3 6 month trip. Honey moon ?! An unforgettable adventure. Around Asia. A marvellous road in the hearth of 3 massive civilizations : Russia, China, India. Strong cultures. Inspiring encounters. Breathtaking landscapes. This adventure does not deserve a conclusion. Just being together to write this chapter of our relation is already enough. But …

[Practical Info] How to cross the border between India and Nepal – Siliguri / Kakharbitta

Because our travel is also a way to share our good tips, here you have our « Practical Information » category. Enjoy ! Today, we are talking to you about crossing the border between India and Nepal, from Siliguri to Kakharbitta. Out trip was from Gangtok in Sikkim but generally, most of the people cross the border from …

[Practical Info] How to cross the border between China and Laos – Jonghong / Boten

Because our travel is also a way to share our good tips, here you have our « Practical Information » category. Enjoy ! Today, it is about crossing the border between China and Laos. Nothing complicated but as always it is never easy to find information about it on Internet so let’s share our experience. So, first of …

[HopTour China] Discovering Birdwatching in Sichuan with Robbi Zhu

Birdwatching SIchuan BirdTour

 When talking about sustainable and responsible tourism, it is common to hear about ecotourism. Indeed, taking into account ecological and environmental aspects and maintaining it for the next generations, are the beginning of a positive spiral in the development of a touristic activity.Birdwatching is an activity linked to ecotourism and we need to know what …

[Practical Information] How to cross the border between Russia and China – without going to Mongolia?

Russia Zabaikalsk border

When we decided to go from Russia to China, we started to have a look on travel forums to get information about the border… To be honest, whatever the language (English, Polish and French) we did not get too much information… It was really poor and very difficult to figure out how is to cross …