A worldwide community of travelers dedicated to a better tourism
Hopineo is a community of travelers dedicated to the co-construction of a better tourism, authentic and responsible.
The word “Hopineo” is a combination of the words “Hope”, “Hop” and “Neo” to illustrate the new and optimistic art of taking action through traveling!

The HopSign (you often see on the photos and videos) is the “human” illustration of the earth in the logo, bouncing and moving forward towards a better future, a better world.
- Our vision : make responsible tourism the norm.
- Our goal : stimulate exchange of field solutions and good practices between tourism professionals.
- Our method : the travelers collect and spread the good practices thanks to a new way of participative travel.
- Our means : a dedicated internet platform, a huge motivation and endless energy !
A resource centre dedicated to responsible tourism
In addition to existing measures (labels, networks, institutions and local authorities), Hopineo offers to tourism professionals committed -or who wish to get committed- towards a responsible approach to :

- find concrete solutions which were experienced by their counterparts in order to fuel their responsible approach and develop their activity : the HopSolutions.
- welcome volunteers to step back, exchange knowledge, obtain a one-time help in exchange for room and food, depending of their needs : the HopTrips #Swap.
- increase their visibility thanks to the editorial content, photos and videos, published on our different media supports and on the ones of our partners.
Few examples of HopHost, part of Hopineo
EcoLodge - Patagonia, Chile
Guesthouse in Accra, Ghana
Coffee plantation - Laos