« Travel as no one else »
That could be the perfect slogan for Hopineo. As part of our HopTour in Asia and especially for India, we decided to perform a short survey. We wanted to know more about Tourism in India. In a purpose of giving the most valuable support to our partners and hosts, we had for objective to understand the touristic process of foreign visitors (whatever they visited India or not yet) especially regarding accommodation booking.
We did not want to also loose opportunity to learn more about responsible tourism perception from tourists and travellers. Hopineo spirit was already with us. And if we plan to raise awareness, it makes sense to know the starting point, doesn’t it?
What are the results?
Between November and December 2016, thanks to friends/family and Facebook, we received more than 200 answers from 22 different nationalities. Mainly led by French and polish people, we already succeeded.
Based on the incredible resources put in the same country (culture, architecture, mountains, fauna & flora, traditions, etc…), India raises curiosity. That was a perfect ground for experimentation.
This survey showed us a various behaviors but we would like to highlight here the growing importance of travel blogs or forum. Looking for some recommendations or past experiences definitely came to be key criteria of selection.

What about responsible tourism ?
Even us, when we have started our trip, we were looking for some time the meaning of sustainable and responsible tourism. Unfortunately, there is not only one answer and the answer changes depending on the person or actor in the tourism sector. It was important for us to know what the situation for other travellers was.
Our panel said that only 45% were familiar with the concept. Not too bad but it also means that more than half are a bit lost regarding the concept or the name. What a pity when we know that 90% think that the concept is very important even needed for touristic development!
This survey finally encouraged us in our trip and all our wishes. More generally, it was very optimistic for Hopineo. Because if Hopineo has vocation of giving visibility to small and medium facilities committed in a responsible tourism, it is especially because most of us would likely use and travel in that way if they were aware of it…
A hope… do we just have to continue with to put our efforts together to raise awareness among more and more people? Certainly not only… but we have already one tool and we definitely want to use it…
For more information about responsible tourism, you can check the definition on Hopineo

We are Ela & David, 2 citizens of the world. In quest of a new way of living, more respectful from the environment and the Humans, we travel slowly to discover new cultures, to look for inspirations and with a wish of sharing. Wants to know more?